Monday, May 22, 2006

part II

The tears fell harder upon her tired shoes. All she had wanted was a little reprieve, an escape if only momentarily. Her body sunk to the sidewalk with her back to the wall and her face in her hands. Thoughts raced wildly through her fragile mind. She was a phantom bride if only for a day.

No one concerned themselves with until one woman passed and stopped. She looked back over her shoulder and turned back toward the girl. She stood silently for a moment unsure of what she could say to the sad girl. The woman was busy, she had things she needed to do, but it would wait a bit longer.

The woman was older. It was obvious that her shoes as well had traveled a similar path somewhere in time. She made a point of avoiding pysical contact. A little concern was all that would be necessary.

"Excuse me, miss. Do you need help? Is there something I can do?"

The girl was taken by surprise having not noticed that someone was standing before her. She looked up toward the voice and wiped her eyes. Confused, she shook her head. There was nothing the woman would be able to do for her now.

Dejected the woman walked away. She looked back a few seconds later. The girl was gone.

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