Monday, January 08, 2007

new year's day

Well, once again, ye grande ole' new year has come and gone. Many of us wonder where the last year escaped to. Perhaps some distant island far away from the macabre little existence we admonish only for its right to exist.

I trust we've all made new friends and hope we have not lost touch with the old ones. Resolutions, I'm sure, have already been forgotten. Probably with the hangover you know you endured, as did I, directly following the making of said resolutions.

Me, I make no resolutions for new years. Mostly because I never keep them. I do however carry static resolutions year round. I am much better at those. They aren't so "cold-turkey" and painful. However, I have been considering one. It's only in consideration at this point, but it sounds like a good idea.

I feel I should make a point of not being such a fucking basket case. Hmm. Now that I've said it, it no longer sounds like a good idea.

Alright, fuck it.

Happy Fuckin' New Year Everyone! More alcohol should take care of those hangovers.

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