Sunday, April 09, 2006

blue october

if you have not yet heard of the band blue october, let me be the first to tell you that anyone and everyone should give them a chance. the lyrics are poetic, the perforance is intoxicating, and the guys are super cool. i went to an AMAZING show on friday. i knew they would rock, but they were ineffable! a truly amazing experience. it was a small venue and a free show (we get very lucky sometimes here with that) which allowed the crowd to be at one with the band. i didn't want it to end. then, they stuck around afterwards to sign shit for everyone. not too many bands are willing to that anymore it seems. in case you're wondering, their latest and most famous song is "hate me". check them me!
just don't make the mistake i did and take your drunken brother who needs a babysitter and a barf bag or you may miss it. yes my bro was "that guy" at the show, but i left him to his girlfriend. she inherited him anyway. (he's all better now except for missing the whole show).

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